So this brings me to one of my many thoughts of the day: Why do people avoid confrontation? I think it has to do with individuals accepting their own blame. Confronting issues always bring the possibilities that your own indiscretions are going to be brought to light and who wants to realize that sometimes as a person they suck? No one. Yeah that's right. No one. Hence people rather do the run around for weeks then actually get to the point. Think about it. Had I just picked up the phone two weeks ago, I would have seen my dad this past weekend and I wouldn't have been stressing about getting yelled at seeing as how I didn't get yelled out.
I don't really understand this blog thing but I feel like the purpose is to enlighten whatever readers I may or may not have.
I think it's only right that given the political nature of America nowadays, I should include some of my own political insight. And this brings me the most important conclusion of this post: people 18 to 24 are the least represented. We get so caught up in our own lives that we forget that we have a duty as citizens of this country. You don't vote, you have no right to complain. We, being in this age group, are constantly having decisions made for us and this is the time we are learning to break out of them. So let's take control of our lives at least in this one aspect. No matter who you vote for Obama or Mccain. But please keep in mind that the President should be representative of the people, not out of date and genuinely caring. He should always remember that the power is in our hands and we're electing him for the betterment of our lives not his own personal agendas. Another point for minorities (women included): remember those who died and fought for our right to vote. Please don't disrespect that struggle. With that I leave two quotes:
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber- Plato
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.- Franklin Pierce Adams
Vote for change however you define it. And Lina baby this is for you:

I'm the Queen of Digression. Productive but Digression none the less.
1 comment:
"Please don't disrespect that struggle."
Baby girl, you're amazing.
...and if youre still looking for ways to spruce up your blog, holla at this:
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