Friday, July 31, 2009
bad beginnings?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
oh karma how i love thee
old habits die hard.
"just say it"
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
looking back
to identify with the good guy:
the side that will undoubtedly prevail in a war of contradicting ideals
but what happens when you find yourself
identifying with the bad guy
i'm in the theater
trying to figure out
if fundamentally
a horcrux can actually exist
in a world existing outside of
platform 9 3/4
could i break my soul into pieces
and protect its fragments
i can't help but feel as though
my soul has nomad coded into its genetics
and while my body craves stillness and breath
my soul has other ideas
they say rape victims
sometimes wear sneakers to sleep
and in the event that assault is more prevalent than dreams
sneaking up on them like grim reapers of pain
they have the tools necessary to escape
so maybe
given the amount of damage
that i've encountered
i'm subconsciously preparing the essence of my being to run
to at least have a fighting chance at survival
because sometimes
asking me to live is asking for too much
and this vessel, god-given and mad-made
seems ill equipped at protection
most times
i find myself tired
no amount of rest can cure a restless sprirt
i have to remind myself
that beds are for bodies
not souls
all of me can't seem to exist as one
there is no single unit here
just two sides of the same coin
like Harry
and Volde-- he who must not be named
I'm already in pieces
my reflection is my enemy
and if horcruxes are indeed evil
what will people say of my poetry
voldemort's first known horcrux was a journal
even evil knows the power of words
i wish simple people could too
i'm embedded in the punctuation
there is ink in my veins
and scars on my pages
language is as close to immortality as we can get
and when done right
my words manipulate feelings
my pages outweigh fate
and rewrite destiny
am i wrong for finding ways to preserve myself
and though i cut lines into my skin
like basilisk fangs in leatherbound books
i don't think i'll be okay with death being my final chapter
if there is no resurrection
then leave me be
i'll find ways to live beyond death
i'll keep using my pen as my magic wand
use journals for parchment
cast spells with titles
my soul is too restless to be acknowledged posthumously
and if i succeed
in tearing myself apart
will I ever be able to piece myself together?
immortality has its price.
so my soul can handle being broken
in ways my heart cant.
if i should be so bold
it creeps on you
Friday, July 24, 2009
public service announcement
Thursday, July 23, 2009
mommy's little girl
Cause my mother looks at me
Like she wished she stopped at three
But given her new found love of my father
She decided to rent out
Space in her womb for his seed
And my birth seemed more like an eviction
They say you can’t remember your birth
That the process of leaving
Doesn’t stay embedded in brain waves
But perhaps we just repress its memory
She made me for him
Not for herself
And in that hospital
I swore I confused doctor with daddy
Cause daddy wasn’t there
So my soul chooses to forget
Where I came from
The journey will never surpass the destination
If it lies outside the realm of recollection
My attachment to her left with my umbilical cord
Umbilical cords replaced by belts and extension cords
So the connection was temporary
But the scar tissues lies above bones
Hence they are useless for drying eyes
Blood never spilled from my skin
I kept it in like secrets
Youd hit until the remnats of a family lay spilt beneath your feet
Find shelter in the cracks of our foundation
and you kept going
with even my shadow crying for me
you called it discipline
when I got out of line
so the lines bruised on my back were reminders
fuck post its
skin is the original paper
She told me I’m the spitting image of my father
That I must have lived in the womb that men forget they have
She claims none of my chromosomes
But wonders why daddy’s heartbeat is my lullaby
It seems that her blood flow
Just tried to drown me in her loneliness
And my placenta was poisonous
I might as well have been birthed in a grave yard
And my birthday was more like the day of resurrection
I don’t think I was meant to be
More like a formality
My mother’s arms are weary
It was my father that needed something to hold onto
And I needed something unconditional to latch onto
My mother never cried for me so
Her water broke instead
So the closest I got to feeling her tears
Escaped from her legs
Before I could see them fall
She even took that away from me
So now when she sobs at my feet
I just think she’s given birth to her guilt
A feud like this goes back like generations
That bicker without understanding it’s initial trigger
We fight like it’s our birthright
We fight like immune systems that gave on its body
We’re our own virus
That feed off our hosts of insecurities
She says she doesn’t know how to be a mother to me
That her proven techniques are just wasted on me
And I don’t know how to be her daughter
So we settle and become mirrors for each other
And screaming at your reflection
Does nothing to help the situation
Sometimes when we fight
Im reduced to the fetal position
Find myself nestles in the shrillness of harsh tones
And mangled words
And I was I was still born sometimes
Rebirthed into stillness
And it wouldn’t be an abortion
Cause had I known,
Had I been given insight instead of limbs
I could have spared you this pain
But still I was born
To you
You should never fight with your creator
They say our arms are too short to box with god
So I deemed my mother a worthy opponent
And though I mimick her image
Cause God’s in hiding
I don’t know when it was when she fell from grace
It could have been when her halo got tangled
Within my father’s bedsheets
Or when she laid in hospital garbs
Among white walls not resembling heaven
And when she gave birth to this angel
Perhaps I took her halo with me
A divorced woman is said to have no place in God’s kingdom
But you took the wedding ring shackles from your fingers
And your still not free
So maybe heaven isn’t the underground railroad
And there’s no candles declaring it your safe haven
So I’m sorry for proclaiming you scorned
When you were just hurt
And not appreciating the fresh water that came from salty tears
and though I appreciate your history
you made a mockery of our ancestors
cause when you called
I could never respond
Eyes hung low in submission
I endured
You are too beautiful to be master
Masters shouldn’t give birth to slaves
So forgive me when I feel inclined to runaway
You took your shackles off and replaced them with my halo
And called it tradition
So I spent years cultivating the artistry behind repressed anger
So for every time I was told to speak when spoken to
I’m here in front of you
Pretending I’m the speakers to your heart
So when you yell, I’ll yell louder
Amplify the sound
So you can hear yourself
And then maybe you’ll listen to me
Monday, July 20, 2009
pack rat
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
And because they keep us out of history books
I wonder what Negro spirituals sound like in Spanish
People forget we have them
That we have history
That lies underneath ground cloaked in darkness
And while America has modernized
We still build houses with roofs made out of hay
We still watch children run barefoot
On dirt roads
We still take shits outside
Among the animals
and when we cluster together
through underground networks
of distant relatives
we end up in jobs no one else will do
Do not tell me
That I cannot claim black
It’s just ignorant
We were plucked from African soil too
Genocide killed indigenous kings and queens
There are no graves for them
And no pages for them in history books.
soy Dominicana,
gotta love your roots

putting a little meat on dem bones
without consent
affects us so much
why it rots our insides
making us less than human
until we are standing
on nothing more than the
promise that
time heals all wounds
We women are more than human
We take ribs
and clone them into children
We have ovaries that perform
modern day alchemy
gold is simply not of much use these days
so this womb
opted to be a home
for future babies
and to men
seeking wetness in the form of something
to my tenants
i was temporary shelter
never meant to last more than
a few hours on cold nights
or nine months while limbs developed
but he
fucked me something permanent
just like a thief
he burglarized this home
entered through locked doors
he was not welcomed here
the space between these walls
are unsafe
my property has been redlined by blood trickling down thighs
my value is shot to hell
i might as well be worthless
my sexuality meant nothing
and that is why it hurts
we are taught
as little girls
that our chastity is precious
virginity is close to sainthood
and to guard it with our life
but we chose
to engage in relations
with men who have forgotten what innocence feels like
we renounce our sainthood
for their piece of mind
and he now walks
with shoulder blades prominent
cause he stripped me of my wings
and now carries them on his back
he was never meant to fuck angels
i never gave him that right
he wanted to be closer to God
used me to ascend to the heavens
leapt from the cliff of humanity
and was resurrected a monster
there are no ghost stories about this kind of sin
no boogeymen equivalent for him
my body became the source of my fear
four limbs
could not save me
what kind of redemption does God hold
for rapists and their victims?
and though a part of me died that day
there are no obituaries for the death of angels
no convictions for the theft of wings
there's no justice it seems
perhaps she was raped too
chose blindness to escape her own reflection
she only saw him
so we women
are affected by rape
because whatever doesn't kill you
sometimes makes you wish it had
just to see
if our tainted and broken souls
will still be allowed into heaven
though we can no longer fly.